"Barrier-free" Bars in Upper Austria

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19 bars ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale offering "Barrier-free" in Upper Austria. All information including address and phone number.
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Restaurant Bar

It's amazing what Michaela Prem and Kilian Angermeyer have created in three years with this pearl on Lake Attersee. Mykonos flair, friendly waiters and cool drinks. Ideally, you should first enjoy a few bites in the front row and then celebrate the good life on the roof terrace. Be sure to make a reservation.

Hauptstraße 2, 4864 Attersee, Austria
Lounge Bar

The cocktail bar may be tucked away at the end of Klammstraße, but as soon as you enter and try drinks from cocktail titans Stefan Haneder and Dušan Janjatović, you will store the bar in your geographical and sensory memory and probably find it blindfolded next time. Because every visit is worth it.

Klammstraße 20, 4020 Linz, Austria
American Bar

If you want to celebrate properly and open large bottles at the Schüdlbauer, you can order them in advance. But you can also enjoy yourself in this trendy Braunau bar. A good selection of gin, rum and whisk(e)y will tempt you. Non-alcoholic cocktails round off the overall picture perfectly.

Auf der Haiden 76, 5280 Braunau, Austria
Lounge Bar

In the baroque town of Schärding, the Silberzeile has been the epitome of indulgence for years. BARista, where the palate is sent on an aromatic journey, plays a big part in this. Gin lovers are sure to get weak knees, and if you want a real tingle, a glass of Champagne or sparkling wine will help. Top: the range of almost 90 cocktails.

Silberzeile 13, 4780 Schärding, Austria
American Bar

It's a good thing that Gutenberg in Laakirchen exists, think many breakfast food lovers. The special selection and lovingly prepared dishes make hearts beat faster. But this also applies to night owls, who find their sensory happiness with fine cocktails or freshly tapped beers.

Doktor-Mitterbauer-Straße 2a, 4663 Laakirchen, Austria

Riesching 2, 4084 St. Agatha, Austria
Restaurant Bar

Wiener Straße 157, 4020 Linz, Austria

Am Volksgarten 1, 4020 Linz, Austria

Wo die Liebe hinfällt, dort entfaltet sich Leidenschaft. Wer im Mathis landet, spürt sie. Die Leidenschaft für gutes Essen, erlesenes Trinken und feinsinniges Genießen. Regional verwurzelt. Mit urbanem Flair. „Unkompliziert und einfach soll es sein. Und doch raffiniert!“ sagt Hannes. „Denn nichts kommt uns so nah wie Essen und Trinken!“ Eine den Gaumen verführende Rezeptur kombiniert mit sorgfältig ausgewählten Zutaten, begleitet von einem umfangreichen und Wein- und Biersortiment. Ein Kitzel für jeden Ihrer fünf Sinne. Von mittags bis abends. Und sonntags beim sehr beliebten Sonntagsbrunch.

Gaisbacher Straße 8, 4210 Gallneukirchen, Austria

Ebenzweierstraße 4, 4813 Altmünster, Austria
Lounge Bar

Stadtplatz 42, 4710 Grieskirchen, Austria

Landstraße 17-25, 4020 Linz, Austria
Hotel Bar

Untere Donaulände 9, 4020 Linz, Austria

Welser Straße 1, 4614 Marchtrenk, Austria

Pluskaufstraße 12, 4061 Pasching, Austria

Brauereistraße 1, 5230 Mattighofen, Austria
American Bar

Hauptplatz 3, 4020 Linz, Austria
Restaurant Bar

Löckherstraße 32, 4880 St. Georgen im Attergau, Austria

Freiung 9-11, 4600 Wels, Austria