"Live Music" Bars in Salzburg

17 bars ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale offering "Live Music" in Salzburg. All information including address and phone number.
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Hotel Bar

Amadeus meets agave! Bar manager Andreas Portz shows off his skills with drinks such as the "Strawberry Fields forever" (mezcal and buttermilk!). The pistachio-chocolate-vodka mix "The Mozart Identity" indulges the genius loci of Salzburg. Even society appreciates the bold concept in this dignified space: cocktail festivals all year round!

Schwarzstraße 5-7, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Hotel Bar

Guests at the botanical bar are given hemp drops to combat stress as well as an "overdose of vacation". The latter tastes of elderflower and is one of bar manager Tom Fix's own creations. As head mixologist, he even gives the good old margarita the taste of "Loigom" aka Leogang.

Hütten 2, 5771 Leogang, Austria
American Bar

The small, charming vaulted cellar opposite the Pferdeschwemme has become a popular meeting place. The young team around Sebastian Kowatz likes to incorporate regional ingredients into the expertly mixed drinks, which are also visually appealing. Even connoisseurs are impressed by the wines - including advice from the sommelier.

Herbert-von-Karajan-Platz 1, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Lounge Bar

In the mountains of Leogang, the focus is on imaginative signatures, such as "High Mountains" with apricot brandy and apple flavour, as well as modern interpretations of classics such as Espresso Martini with Kahlua. The pleasure experience is rounded off with gin and tonics, natural wines, long drinks and sours as well as high-quality spirits.

Hütten 37, 5771 Leogang, Austria
Lounge Bar

For seven years now, this small, fine bar has been making a splash and serving good drinks under the rocky roof. Mentor and his team add local colour with the Sporer spirits from the nearby Getreidegasse. The living room atmosphere is also more experimental with tea cocktails and the odd classic twist.

Gstättengasse 3, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Hotel Bar

The dialectal pronunciation of Leogang - Loigam - is reflected in the name of the gin and other in-house specialties in the bar located in the middle of the room. The recipes (rum-mango lassi) and the names of the drinks are just as witty and relaxed. How about a "Guaten Mama" after the Asitz summit storm?

Sonnberg 252, 5771 Leogang, Austria
American Bar

Latin music plays from the speakers and colourful cocktails with a South American focus are served in the glasses: if you're looking for that Latin feeling in Salzburg, you'll find it here. The atmosphere is suitable for an amicable party and the prices for pisco sours & co. are measured. It's mainly younger guests who enjoy this - either directly at the bar or at the bar tables.

Steingasse 3, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Hotel Bar

From aperitif to digestif - the charming bar exudes the charm of times gone by. Take a seat at the long bar or on the upholstered furniture. Classic and Caribbean-inspired cocktails dominate the menu. The sparkling versions are also very good, such as the Moulin Rouge with apricot brandy, gin and Champagne.

Makartplatz 4, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Restaurant Bar

Daimler's on Giselakai, is an institution in Mozart’s city of Salzburg. The grill and bar concept has worked for many years - enjoy a burger in the grill and then turn night into day in the bar. The bar team supports you with fine drinks à la "Vodka Wellness" or "London Mule". Happy hour until 11 pm.

Giselakai 17, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

Auf der Sonnenseite des Lebens. Zwischen Maria Almer Beef Tatar und Wiener Schnecken von Gugumuck. Auf der TOM Almhütte zelebrieren die Spitzenköche der Eder Collection traditionell alpinen Lifestyle. Mit dem ein oder anderen<br> minimalistischen Schnickschnack. Für Lebensvisionäre und Zeitgeister.<br> <br> Almhütten mag es am salzburgerischen Land vielfach geben. Genussenthusiasten, Sonnenanbeter und Geschmacksdraufgänger sind sich dennoch einig. Nirgendwo ist es derartig aufgeschlossen, außergewöhnlich unerwartet und deliziös abgeschmeckt als wie mittendrin. Und zwar im ‘‘Eder Kitchen Project‘‘. Oder besser gesagt auf der TOM Almhütte. Zwischen Hüttenwirt Tom, Kräuterbua Mario und Mops ,,Choupette‘‘.<br> Zwischen verblüffendem Bergpanorama und bestelltem Sundowner. Zwischen echter Kaspressknödelsuppe nach dem Rezept von Oma Franzi, veganen Köstlichkeiten und regionalen Fleischspezialitäten vom Almbauern in greifbarer Nähe. Zwischen den beiden Küchenchefs Stefan Streitberger und Philipp Reisenbichler. Zwischen österreichischen Edeltropfen und Champagne Showers. Zwischen moderner Architektur und frechem Charme. Und zwischen TOM Team und krönenden Auszeichnungen rund um AMA, Falstaff, Salzburg schmeckt oder den Austrian Wedding Award. Wer also eine klassische Almhütte am Berg erwartet, wird besonders überrascht. Und zwar von den schönen Bauchtratzerln, dem richtigen Fern(/)sehen, den felligen Sunbeds, der guten Live Music und dem eigens kreierten Sprudel.<br> <br> Besonders jedoch vom zelebrierten Lifestyle. Denn eines verspricht der Hüttenwirt all denen, die für immer Kind geblieben sind. Life in the mountains is good. Wie es mittendrin sein muss.

Natrun 50, 5761 Maria Alm, Austria
Restaurant Bar

Grießenkarweg 382, 5542 Flachau, Austria

Giselakai 17a, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

Salzburger Straße 147, 5110 Oberndorf bei Salzburg, Austria
Hotel Bar

Hochkönigstraße 27, 5761 Maria Alm, Austria

Elisabethstraße 11, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

Gstättengasse 4-6, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

Rain 128a, 5771 Leogang, Austria