"Sunday Opening" Bars in Munich

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46 bars ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale offering "Sunday Opening" in Munich. All information including address and phone number.
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Restaurant Bar

Charles Schumann actually wanted to study politics and journalism, but today he knows that he "can only do gastronomy". Understatement is as much a part of Germany's most legendary bar operator as the white coats of the Schuhmann's team. You can only love this bar! And if you don't, then it's not the bar that's the problem, it's you.

Odeonsplatz 6–7, 80539 Munich, Germany
American Bar

The bar behind the Haus der Kunst is a safe bet and caters to all tastes. Magnificent murals on a golden background show maps that tell of the origins of the wines and spirits once served. Today, classics are served with a twist, such as the "Blood & Sand" with orange foam.

Prinzregentenstraße 1, 80538 Munich, Germany
American Bar

Owner Stefan Gabányi was once a whisk(e)y expert and bartender at Schumann's. His bar has been welcoming hungry night owls who celebrate sophisticated drinking for over a decade. With a timeless ambience, flawless cocktails and unfussy bar food are served until late at night, such as the legendary goulash.

Beethovenplatz 2, 80336 Munich, Germany
Hotel Bar

The elegant bar has its own entrance in the Mandarin Oriental. The modern art deco-style bar forms the radiant centerpiece. Browsing through the menu is a real pleasure with its imaginative signature drinks such as "Last Samurai" - a combination of whiskey, yuzu, tonka bean and truffle honey.

Neuturmstraße 1, 80331 Munich, Germany
American Bar

You feel like you're in a dreamlike limbo. Exactly how you want to feel when the Glockenbachviertel proves once again that it can still do anything after all these years. That's because the barman winks at you while shaking and the "La Sombra" that lands in your glass.

Müllerstraße 41, 80469 Munich, Germany
American Bar

The atmosphere in Lukas Motejzik's "cocktail bar" is informal and rough. The freshest ingredients from the herb and savouriness garden at the bar end up in the unusual creations of barman Lukas Habel and his team. Highlight: the "High on Hope" gin cocktail, which is served in an Asia box with a fortune cookie.

Baaderstraße 68, 80469 Munich, Germany
Restaurant Bar

Good florists are those who don't confuse you with unnecessary details, but understand what the bouquet is supposed to be about. The boys and girls here do something similar: they skilfully compose wonderfully floral, fruity or tart works of art from fine spirits that are sure to impress.

Rosenheimer Straße 15, 81667 Munich, Germany
American Bar

This place has been around since '74, when Bill Deck opened it, and it has lived up to its name ever since with a feel of international glamour. Everyone has had a drink here, at least everyone who's anyone, and that's kind of everyone in Munich. The piano is not just decoration; it's also beautiful to hear.

Falkenturmstraße 9, 80331 Munich, Germany
Restaurant Bar

The name refers to the neighborhood's foundry past - as does the urban mural as a break in style from the gold-painted walls and art deco interior. For a sophisticated accompaniment, order classics with a twist and pickled watermelon as a bar snack - served with starched napkins and polished cutlery.

Müllerstraße 51, 80469 Munich, Germany
Hotel Bar

A life at the hotel bar. Is that melancholy, perhaps even lonely? Nope. It's turned up like fans in summer. And they have something else in common with the bar at the main station: although it's constantly rotating, everything is always cool. That's because of the newspapers in the bathroom, but even more so because of the drinks.

Bahnhofplatz 1, 80335 Munich, Germany
Hotel Bar

This place is almost a legend. A bar with flair, so too the guests, soaking up the pop culture as if through a straw. And that's the magic; the perfect hotel bar. A place where you first become a stranger to yourself and then get to know yourself anew. No other venue does this better.

Landsberger Straße 68, 80339 Munich, Germany
Hotel Bar

In the Isarbar, you feel like you're inside a gold bar. And just because everything is so beautifully golden, you naturally order a whisk(e)y. Something peaty to go with the leather armchairs. One sip is enough and you feel ready to write a novel. But you don't, because the feeling is enough.

Bayerstraße 12, 80335 Munich, Germany
Hotel Bar

It's like this: bars are places for romantics, for dreamers, for those hungry for life. And that's why a good bar is characterised by the fact that it knows this. You can usually sense this as soon as you enter the bar; here you understand that a hunger for life often goes hand in hand with a thirst for drinks.

Sparkassenstraße 10, 80331 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

You can learn something here, but you don't have to. And isn't that something wonderful? Kris Krolo and Florian Rath are happy to guide guests through the herb garden of 400 Amaro bottles lined up behind the bar or pour a Croatian wine. But even those who like it classic will find what they are looking for here.

Müllerstraße 50, 80469 Munich, Germany
Hotel Bar

In an elegant bar with high ceilings and a grand piano, there is an eight-metre-long granite counter. Here, 15 signature drinks are offered, inspired by the adjacent botanical garden and divided into herbs, spices and vegetables. The Moroccan-style lounge offers an elegant retreat.

Sophienstraße 28, 80333 Munich, Germany
Restaurant Bar

In Germany's first bottled cocktail bar, nothing is ever shaken. Nine bottles form the basis for 26 cocktails, which are artfully presented behind the terracotta counter. The "Fly Pink", a daiquiri refined with red fruit tea from the Viktualienmarkt, is served with dragon fruit espuma and a smoke bubble.

Baaderstraße 1, 80469 Munich, Germany
Hotel Bar

A bar that is decorated in such a restrained manner can cope with this, especially if it impresses with what the bar staff pour into the glasses. And - my God - that's the case here. And in all the colors of the spectrum. Everything really tastes good here, from the classics to their own creations.

Fraunhoferstraße 32, 80469 Munich, Germany
American Bar

A bar full of whisk(e)y and curiosities: an extensive collection of spirits awaits you in a living room atmosphere, with some highlights from Kentucky and Tennessee. Cocktails such as "Boston Sour" or "Corpse Reviver #1" can be accompanied by the popular pretzel or muffuletta sandwich.

Pestalozzistraße 22, 80469 Munich, Germany
Hotel Bar

Here, you don't hesitate for long, you light something on fire. Or something like that. Cosiness is a huge topic in Munich. It often comes across as a bit old-fashioned. But not here. You sit by the fireplace, take a sip of Champagne and get ideas. Like: a fire is only as warm as the love burning inside you.

Arnulfstraße 4, 80335 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

Inspired by the excessive Formula 1 world champion, the Hunt is the pit stop before moving on to the clubs. The compact NY-style bar has more standing room than seats and quickly fills up with the cross-section of Munich's University district. Very good highballs and modern classics are served - without a long wait.

Schellingstraße 32, 80799 Munich, Germany