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Chocolate worth €80,000 stolen in Germany

Sticky-fingered thieves stole eight tonnes of chocolate in southern Hesse last weekend.

On the night of Saturday 19 November, a special kind of theft took place in the town of Ginsheim-Gustavsburg near Mainz in Germany's central Hesse region. As yet unidentified thieves stole eight tonnes of Swiss chocolate worth around €80,000 by making off with a semitrailer unit from a logistics company, according to local media. 

The empty trailer has since been recovered near Dietzenbach in the district of Offenbach, but its sweet contents have disappeared. Police are now appealing for any witnesses to come forward.

The chocolate heist is not the first of its kind: 32 pallets of chocolate worth tens of thousands of euros were stolen from the same premises at the end of October. However, the chocolate was confiscated by police in a warehouse about 45km away. The warehouse has already been inspected after the latest theft but no stolen goods were found.

The police are reported as saying that stolen chocolate would be difficult to sell in Germany so it is most likely to be offloaded abroad.

Pia Schorlemmer
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