Halloween cocktails

Halloween cocktails
© Shutterstock

How to host a hellishly haunting Halloween cocktail party

Halloween isn't just a chance for kids to trick-or-treat. From gothic glamour to pumpkin punch, these cocktails will make any party sparkle with a spooky note!

Why should children have all the fun at Halloween? The 31st of October is the ideal time to brush off that cocktail set and indulge in some truly creative drinks mixing. First of course, you'll need some fun finger food to feed your ghoulish guests. We have you covered with these themed dishes, perfect for the young and young at heart alike.

Now the responsible haunted hosting is out of the way, we can swiftly move on to drinks. It is the season for pumpkins but don't let that confine your cocktail repetoire to all things orange. Black Velvets should definitely make the menu ­­– after all this bitter stout and sparkling wine creation is said to have been invented to mark the death of Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert. If you favour a sweeter note, we recommend a Black Diamond with aged rum and sherry. 

The truly macabre should think red – blood red. And what better drink to fit the bill than a Bloody Mary? However take note: research suggests the tomato juice and vodka drink is not, contrary to popular belief, named after Mary Tudor, who was nicknamed 'Bloody Mary' for her persecution of Protestants. You can find out more about the cocktail's history and likely origins here.

Best Halloween Cocktails

The Falstaff team wishes you a fabulous and spooky Halloween!

Catherine Walbridge
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