© Betina Hastoft

Grilled Figs with Ricotta and Honey

Few ingredients, much flavour: these grilled figs are served on ricotta and refined with almonds and honey.

What's even better than ripe figs? Ripe grilled figs! The luscious fruit melts and takes on a smoky caramel note that suits it particularly well. This recipe is quite simple and consists of just a few ingredients – so make sure they are of exceptional quality.

Ingredients (4 servings)
12 ripe figs
50 g roasted almonds
500 g fresh ricotta
  • Heat the charcoal in a kettle grill/BBQ and set the temperature to about 140C.
  • Cut the figs in half from the top but not all the way through (so that they still hold together at the bottom). Roughly chop the almonds.
  • Grill the figs over the coals over a medium heat with the lid closed until they have taken on some colour and the juice that comes out has caramelised slightly (about 10 minutes).
  • Divide the ricotta evenly between bowls. Place three figs in each bowl and sprinkle with almonds. Finish with honey to taste and enjoy while the figs are still warm.


Homemade ricotta?

In Italy, especially in the south, ricotta is ubiquitous and you can often buy it quite fresh. Elsewhere, it can be a little more difficult to purchase. But if you can't find a good one, you can make a similar product at home from whole milk: Simply heat milk to 85C, add a dash of lemon juice (35 ml lemon to a litre of milk) and wait for the milk to curdle. Then strain it through a cheesecloth or coffee filter. Strictly speaking, the result is not real ricotta - but it tastes much better than most supermarket products.

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