Pizza Dough - Neapolitan

Pizza Dough - Neapolitan
©Ian Ehm

Pizza Dough - Neapolitan

Recipe for a thick and fluffy pizza dough - enough for eight medium-sized pizzas.

1 flour, preferably 00
20 salt
14 dry yeast
650 water
  • Stir flour and salt, add yeast and mix well. Pour in water, work with your hands until a dough has formed and all the water has been absorbed. Cover with cling film and leave to prove at room temperature for 8-10 hours.
  • Afterwards put dough in the fridge and let rest for 48 hours. Take out 2 hours before the planned baking and divide into portions of about 200 g.
  • Flatten dough and fold each of the four sides of the dough into the centre. Turn the dough upside down, press it against the tabletop with the flat of your hand and form a ball with circular movements.
  • Cover a baking tray with baking paper, spread the dough balls on it, cover with cling film and leave to rise for about 15 hours.
  • They are then ready to be topped and baked.
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