Rum balls with macadamia cream.

Rum balls with macadamia cream.
© Falstaff/Degen

Rum Balls with Macadamia Butter

A little Christmas treat with exquisite flavours.

Bernhard Degen

250 g sweet macadamia nut butter
15 butter biscuits
100 g flour
2 egg yolks
1 dash rum
some coconut shavings
  • Beat together macadamia nut butter, egg yolks and rum in a bowl with a mixer.
  • Crush the butter biscuits and add them to the mixture gradually.
  • Stir in sifted flour until desired consistency is achieved.
  • Form small balls, roll them in a plate of shredded coconut, and place in paper cups.
  • Let cool in the refrigerator.


The recipe also works well with cognac or whisky. The macadamia butter can be replaced by other nut butters if desired.

If the mixture is too soft, you can chill it before rolling out the balls.

Bernhard Degen
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