"Parking Space" Restaurants in Tyrol

Menno van der Haven/Shutterstock
263 restaurants offering "Parking Space" in Tyrol that are ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale. All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Luxury / High End

The Sieberers' gourmet menus play the whole gamut of gastronomic art: the best international and local (luxury) products, perfect craftsmanship and the right mix of classic and modern.

Dorfstraße 95, 6561 Ischgl, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Benjamin Parth is known for exclusive menus with French inspiration and straightforward execution. Gourmets can expect first-class products, world-class sauces and an outstanding selection of cheeses.

Dorfstraße 73, 6561 Ischgl, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The luxurious wine culture of the Hospiz Alm is known far and wide, but it is also worth a visit for the food. David Kurz skillfully cooks timeless classics and steaks to share in the elegant ambience.

St. Christoph 18, 6580 St. Christoph, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The gourmet restaurant is the hotel's gastronomic flagship. In keeping with its name, the eight-course menus feature delicacies ranging from guinea fowl to turbot. Incredible wine list!

Füssner-Jöchle-Straße 5, 6673 Grän, Austria
Luxury / High End

Gustav Jantscher creates modern Alpine cuisine with a regional and French focus. For example, venison heart with medlar and white truffle that melts in your mouth. Good wine accompaniment!

Nassereiner Straße 98, 6580 Sankt Anton am Arlberg, Austria
Luxury / High End

Head chef Christian Jeske serves his Alpine gourmet cuisine in the atmospheric, traditional parlour of the luxury hotel. His menu is cosmopolitan with international products and a local Alpine touch.

Scheibe 44, 6167 Neustift im Stubaital, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Martin Sieberer brings the flavours of his traditional Austrian cuisine to life in the best possible way. A worthy stage for Sunday chicken, Schlutzkrapfen or venison from local forests.

Dorfstraße 95, 6561 Ischgl, Austria
Ethnic Cuisine

Japanese cuisine with a cosmopolitan twist. The Zuma concept is known for this and also offers sushi and sashimi at the highest level here in Kitzbühel. The tasting menus are highly recommended.

Bichlstraße 5, 6370 Kitzbühel, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

<p>Herzlich Willkommen in Gr&uuml;ndlers Genie&szlig;erhotel, der ersten Adresse f&uuml;r leiblichen Genuss mit gehobener Kulinarik, bodenst&auml;ndigen Gaumenfreuden und herrlichen Wohlf&uuml;hln&auml;chten in einer der sch&ouml;nsten Regionen Tirols, dem Achensee. Ist das nicht Grund genug? In unserem Kulinarikhotel Alpin haben Sie die Wahl zwischen bodenst&auml;ndigem Genie&szlig;erwirtshaus oder gehobener Gourmetk&uuml;che!</p> <p>Sommer wie Winter erleben Sie einen ganz besonderen Urlaub mit charmanter Tiroler Gastfreundschaft in einer gro&szlig;artigen Berg- und Wasserwelt. Kulinarik und Natur, das ist eine wunderbare Kombination f&uuml;r gelungene Ferien&hellip;</p> <p>Im Lexikon f&uuml;r Feinschmecker ist&rsquo;s nachzuschlagen, unsere k&ouml;stlichen Gerichte bewirken ein wahres Feuerwerk an sinnlicher Inspiration! Im Gourmetst&uuml;berl verw&ouml;hnen wir Sie aus unserer Haubenk&uuml;che mit Kreativit&auml;t und geschmacklicher Eleganz, die Men&uuml;s sind aufw&auml;ndig kreiert dazu edle Weine und kompetenter Service &ndash; auch die anspruchsvollsten Genie&szlig;er kommen hier auf Ihre Kosten&hellip;</p> <p>Es muss nicht immer das H&ouml;chste sein, wer&rsquo;s lieber bodenst&auml;ndig mag ist im Genie&szlig;erwirtshaus gut aufgehoben. Feine Gerichte mit regionalem Einfluss, zubereitet mit vorwiegend heimischen Produkten so auch Wild aus der Karwendelregion oder edlen Fisch aus den glasklaren Gew&auml;ssern kommen auf den Teller. Veredelt wird Ihr Aufenthalt im 4-Sterne-Kulinarikhotel Alpin mit einem f&uuml;rstlichen Fr&uuml;hst&uuml;cksbuffet&hellip; Die Bewegung an der frischen Luft macht nat&uuml;rlich auch Appetit und da kommen wir wieder ins Spiel &ndash; bestens vorbereitet sorgen wir uns um Ihr Wohlbefinden aber zuvor entspannen Sie noch im Saunabereich &raquo;Alpinaria&laquo;&hellip;</p> <p>Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihre Gastgeber sein zu d&uuml;rfen, <br /><em>Ihre Familie Gr&uuml;ndler und Mitarbeiter</em></p>

Seestraße 35, 6215 Achenkirch, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

In the Poststube, Thomas Strasser impresses with his way of combining Alpine cuisine with international cuisine. The seating is dignified and the menus are accompanied by a diverse wine selection.

Kirchplatz 6, 6631 Lermoos, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

You can rely on the gastronomic delights at the Stanglwirt. The predominantly Austrian menu offers something for everyone - from meat and fish to plant-based dishes, and everything is made with ingredients from the region.

Kaiserweg 1, 6353 Going, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Head chef Bernhard Hochkogler and his team serve French-inspired cuisine based on regional products in the hotel's gourmet restaurant. The patisserie is also impressive.

Brandseitweg 26, 6365 Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria
Luxury / High End

Under the direction of Günter Lampert and David Wagger, the Kulinarium offers a changing menu of three to six courses of refined creations in the elegant restaurant with panoramic views.

Harmstätt 8, 6352 Ellmau, Austria
Luxury / High End

Maximilian Stock is all about the extraordinary. He cultivates his "Alpine Taste" style in the exclusive dining room with exquisite dishes from regional producers - from meat to Alpine prawns.

Hintertux 750, 6293 Tux, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Max Van Triel's finely seasoned creations range from seasonal delicacies to East Tyrolean classics, such as scallops with black pudding or carpaccio of local beef.

Rauterplatz 3, 9971 Matrei in Osttirol, Austria
Contemporary Cuisine

At his Chef's Table, Sebastian Stock serves his varied and creative nine-course tasting menu with drink pairings. A visual feast from the amuse bouche onwards, it keeps the suspense going right through to dessert.

Lanersbach 483, 6293 Tux, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Colourful walls with street art, an open fireplace and rustic wood for Tyrolean cosiness: there is a wild mix at Eat Art, even on the plate - for example in the innovative "Wild Card" multi-course menu.

Arlbergstraße 69, 6580 Sankt Anton am Arlberg, Austria
Luxury / High End

With their menus, Michael Kofler and his team show just how refined Tyrolean cuisine can be – naturally, with local produce and including vegetarian dishes. The extensive wine cellar is famous.

Auweg 3, 6450 Sölden, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Traudi Sigwart shows just how refined regionally sourced cuisine can be, using produce from the Kufstein district and from her own garden wherever possible. She also prepares international dishes to perfection.

Marktstraße 40, 6230 Brixlegg, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

In the restaurant's gastronomic flagship, chef Florian Schweikl plays with flavours from the Alps (venison goulash!) and the Mediterranean. Also good: creative burgers and a large selection of wines.

Dorfstraße 67, 6561 Ischgl, Austria