Chef Fatih Tutak (middle) and his team. 

Chef Fatih Tutak (middle) and his team. 
Photo provided

Dry Extract Interview: Chef Scott Hallsworth, Owner of Freak Scene & Double Dragon, London, UK

In our Dry Extract mini-interview feature we ask top professionals in the world of wine, food and travel to answer 13 deceptively simple questions in a quick-fire fashion.

Australian born Scott Hallsworth is well known for being head chef at NOBUFirstly Nobu Melbourne, then Nobu London. He has also worked at NOBU in St. Moritz, Switzerland and Mykonos in Greece. He is also the genius behind Freak Scene and his latest venture Double Dragon on Rosebery Ave. It’s an exciting, bold and playful izakaya highlighting his passion for Japanese food.

His cooking has been praised by UK critics; Jay Rayner and Grace Dent to name but a few. His book, Junk Food Japan offers a fresh new look at Japanese food. 

The best advice I ever got

Just keep going (when things don't work out as planned)

My life motto

Per ardua ad astra - through adversity to the stars. Courtesy of my dad  

I am currently reading

A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

My most played music track

Twilight in Boston by Jonathan Richman

If I didn’t do my current job I would be

A fairly incapable musician 

Skill I don’t currently possess but would like to have 

Getting a plane off the ground. I really want to get my private pilot licence.

My favourite kind of exercise

Running and swimming 

I relax while


I collect

Band T-shirts 

My essential newspaper/magazine


My desert-island wine

It'd have to be a rose. Anything dry from the Cote de Provence 

I have learnt a lot from

Probably Nobu-san. He never gave up, even when his first restaurant burnt down. Believe in what you do and just never give up.

My last meal and sip will be

Sushi and sashimi in or around the Tsukiji market in Japan. Maybe with a sip of Puligny Montrachet or something similar, I'm not too fussy

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